Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mission Accomplished

The war is winnable! The war is unwinnable! That's where the war debate stands in our country. As usual, Democrats and Republicans are hiding their get-rich-quick schemes by falsifying the premise of a debate.

The war is won, but White House officials aren't allowed to say it, because if they did they would have to explain why they concocted the war in the first place.

To determine whether a war is won or lost you have to bear in mind what the primary aim of the war was. Bush's aim was to seize Iraq's oil fields and retain control over them for future exploitation by American oil companies (that's how we're going to get our hundreds of billions back). Anyone who hushes about this is either naive or has financial motives for keeping quiet. Our economy depends on that oil, now that we've invested so much money in Iraq.

The oil fields were seized in the early days of the war. They are still under heavy U.S. military protection. They are almost ready for U.S. exploitation. And we have 14 military bases in Iraq. So when Bush appeared on the aircraft carrier with the "mission accomplished" banner, he was right. The Democrats know it, they're a part of it, they even recently planned the oil exploitation as the majority party. They pretend to be against the occupation. It's a show, to lull the ignorant American masses into complacency. Their goal is to make tons of money no matter what the cost for the environment. We Americans are going to be rich in a few years, but we're going to be spending that money in a hot, smelly, unhealthy planet.

To hell with the economy!

-Carmelo Modica

Monday, July 2, 2007


I had to edit the Islam Expedient post because I had erroneously used the words subtle and subliminal as adjectives of the same noun. Subliminal, from the Italian words sub (=under) and lamina (=surface), and Subtle, from sub and tile, are synonyms. They are basically the same word.

Yes, I'm obsessive.